2020 S&P500 Forecast: do you believe in it?

2020 S&P500 Forecast: do you believe in it?

The Annual 2020 Forecast and Strategy Bulletins for the S&P500, Corn & Soybeans, Cotton and Live Cattle are now available. You may not believe in my work or in my forecast. However, would you believe if I told you to buy the S&P500 market in January 2019, sell in the first days of May 2019, buy in the first days of June 2019, sell on September 20, and buy on October 25, 2019? Because this is exactly what I said in my 2019 S&P500 Bulletin Service, and I will show you the proof of it.


A chart to sum up the calls I did in 2019 with the S&P500



Don’t you believe in these calls?

I can understand that! For this reason, I made available all the 2019 Bulletins and Updates I have sent out to all my Subscribers; hence, you can judge by yourself my work. Obviously, if you are lazy and you do not want to check my work, I suggest you to not even try to trade, because trading isn’t something for lazy people.

If you still do not believe it, you should wonder how I am at +50% with my eToro account since April 2019 (no way to lie here!), or how I could make a +260% with a small CFD account since January 2019.

I share with you the original Reports I sent to my subscribers; I share with you the proof of a profitable strategy…


S&P500: is the Stock Market weak or strong?

What do you think? For the entire year I have been telling you that the uptrend is strong, it is still active and we should follow it. What now? The S&P5oo hit new all the time Highs just two weeks ago. Is it over? I do not think so… but for details, you have to buy my Bulletin 🙂 (I do not work for free, sorry).

However, I can make a short-term bet, even if I do not trust in a trading strategy based only on a forecast: the S&P500 should show a buy opportunity on December 13-18, a potential Low, and then we should see a new up push and new Highs. We will see if I am right or wrong (if I am wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time anyway :).


What about Corn, Soybeans, Cotton and Live Cattle?

You can download all the 2019 Bulletins and Updates. Here are all the Annual Bulletins details for each Market I cover:


Daily and Weekly Report Service

The most important services, the Daily Report Service and the Weekly Report Service, are now available, and the subscriptions will end on December 28, 2019. After this period, you will be able to subscribe to these services only in March 2020. If you want to receive constant Updates and Reports and you want to trade as I do, this is the last opportunity of the year.

And do not forget: trust who shows you profts, not words.

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