Trades Record of the week: July 25-29
- August 5, 2022
- Posted by: Daniele Prandelli
- Categories: Accounting, Trading

As I did for the previous week, here I post the trades of the July 25-29 week, with Realized & Unrealized Profit/Loss Summary. These are real-time trades, following precisely and mechanically the strategy of our Daily Report Service (a few markets are missed, like the LONG on 30Y T-Bonds Futures, or the LONG on Live Cattle, simply beause I do not personally trade them despite I do provide the strategy in my Reports). The automated code is working well, which allows me to not get stuck to the monitor all day long (and it helps a lot to avoid mistakes due to the fear!). I think that the code will be available to the Subscribers from September 2022.
The strategy trades with Futures, not CFDs or similars. The Realized Profit/Loss of the week is +6,883.09 USD (profits locked-in), and the positions still open are in gain +6,714.86 USD. It makes a total gain, since July 22, 2022, above 13,000.00 USD (just two weeks). Click Here to look at the July 18-22 Trades Record.
I guess we did great to open new LONG positions with the S&P500, and SHORT positions with Soybeans!
Here are all the trades of the week:

Here is the Performance Summury of the week, with the positions still in the market (on July 29):

Two weeks of documented good profits. I will take a pause with my trading during the central weeks of August, so, I will not post any new Trades Record until the end of the month. Right now, I am just handling the positions still open, which are LONG with the S&P500 and SHORT with Soybeans.
Unfortunately, I am not smart enough to write every few days something interesting for the Newsletter subscribers (or I am wise enough to not do it). I am only good at trading, hence, I have decided to post the Trades Activity, who knows that you decide to come on board.
***All these trades were planned in advance, every day, before the opening of the US Daily Sessions. All my Daily Report Service Subscribers receive the same strategy. I do it since years. In 2013, I wrote a PDF e-book “How to Trade to Make Profits” where I was showing the same strategy, working for 3 months and following the same strategy of my Reports: the result was a profit of about 24K, starting with 40K. If you do not have that e-book, you can contact me at, or sign-up for free to my Newsletters.